
Gettysburg: Brothers at War is a captivating educational musical that brings to life the historical events of the American Civil War in an engaging and entertaining way, making it an excellent American Civil War Primary School Resource for teaching about the American Civil War.

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American Civil War Primary School Resource - Gettysburg - Brothers at War the front page of the script.Through its compelling storytelling, memorable songs, and relatable characters, the musical provides young students with a deeper understanding of the complexities of the Civil War and its impact on the USA.

Set against the backdrop of the Battle of Gettysburg, the musical follows the lives of fictional characters who represent different perspectives and experiences during the Civil War.

By focusing on these relatable characters, the show lets the young cast, your students, connect emotionally with the historical events and empathize with the challenges faced by individuals on both sides of the conflict.

Gettysburg – Brothers at War has successfully simplified this complex historical event even for young learners.

The musical breaks down the causes of the Civil War, the differences between the North and the South, and the importance of the battle itself in a way that is easy for primary school students to not only understand but also to perform.

Through catchy songs and memorable lyrics, key historical information is presented in a manner that encourages retention and understanding.

As an American Civil War Primary School Resource the musical promotes important themes such as unity, empathy, and the cost of war. It introduces your cast to the stories of characters who struggle with family loyalties, personal convictions, and the devastating consequences of conflict.

It is a musical that prompts the cast and the audience to think critically about the moral dilemmas faced during the Civil War.

Gettysburg – Brothers at War is an effective multidisciplinary American Civil War Primary School Resource that can be incorporated into various subjects within the primary school curriculum. Teachers can integrate the musical into history lessons to provide context and humanize the events being studied. Additionally, the musical’s songs can be used in music classes to explore different musical styles and techniques prevalent during the Civil War period.

It meets our vision statement as Entertainment that Educates, our aim is to help students to develop a deeper connection to history and enhances their critical thinking skills as they learn about characters such as Jennie Wade, which the battle threw up.

American Civil War primary school resource – Jennie Wade.

Jennie Wade is famous because she was the only Gettysburg citizen killed in the battle. She spent the first two days of the battle baking bread for the Unionist soldiers. Then on the morning of the 3rd July, while she was making bread, a stray bullet flew through the door and killed her.

American Civil War primary school resource – The End of the Civil War.

Gettysburg is seen as the turning point of the war because up until then Confederate forces had succeeded in gaining many victories and had even been able to invade Northern Territory. They and many others believed that they were invincible, however it took the Unionists two more years after the battle before they gained outright victory in 1865.

American Civil War Primary School Resource – The Gettysburg Address.

Four and a half months after the Battle of Gettysburg, President Lincoln came to Gettysburg and delivered his famous speech, “The Gettysburg Address”. This speech not only immortalized the battle but also, theoretically, laid the blueprints for democracy.

For this reason as the finale to the show before the final song “Freedom” the cast speak through The Gettysburg Address.

In conclusion, Gettysburg – Brothers at War stands as a first class American Civil War Primary School Resource that effectively helps children learn about the American Civil War.

Its combination of storytelling, music, and relatable characters will help students have a deeper understanding of the historical context, complexities, and consequences of the Civil War.